Hey. I'm the person who helped Supersonic89 with this. I tested the movie to tell him that it goes out of sync after the long speech. You forgot to give me credit! XD
Hey. I'm the person who helped Supersonic89 with this. I tested the movie to tell him that it goes out of sync after the long speech. You forgot to give me credit! XD
who are you <_<
nah im kiddin. There were no credits! haha. ill be sure youre in it :D
I liked this. Did that one d00d kill teh other d00d?
That was pretty with the geek and all. XD
This was really good, but next time, can you please make it longer? I LOVED IT!!
This is a VERY good series. Keep it up, man!
Awesome!!! :D
This was one of the best flashes I've seen in my time...keep up the good work, I see why the .fla file was that big!! :D
I liked teh music at the end, keep it up, but next time, make it longer! XD
This flash was...just...meh...the begining really annoyed me, because it just kept zooming back and forth, and how did Elecman.exe fight Zero, if Elecman doesn't exist in the physical world? Work on you flash skills, before you sumbit another movie first.
i just thought it would look cool to put zero against elecman.exe, so what's wrong with that? some people thought it might be cool and i have finished all battle networks (including battle chip challenge and network trans.), mmx's, and classic megaman's. some people enjoyed that fight with elecman.
Before you critisize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you'll have critisized them, have their shoes, and be a mile away.
Age 34, Male
Annoying People
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Joined on 3/15/05